St Brendans College Killarney

St Brendan’s College, Killarney, is a Non-selective, Diocesan, Secondary School with a Board of Management. It is a vibrant community of Students, Staff, Parents and Management, founded on the Christian values of justice ,truth and honesty which permeate all aspects of school life and in which the participants find fulfilment.

The school, while conscious of its bountiful heritage, recognises the need for professional development to meet the challenges of a changing world.

The school aspires:

• to develop the whole person, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, social, cultural and physical.
• to promote academic excellence to the full potential of each student
• to equip students with life-skills and develop leadership qualities.
• To foster ideals of gender equity and equality of opportunity.
• to inculcate high standards of behaviour and respect for one another in a well ordered , supportive and caring environment.

While respecting the conscience and convictions of each member of the school community, the education given in this college promotes a sense of identity enriched by an awareness of its catholic tradition.